Center on Psychiatric Disability and Co-Occurring Medical Conditions

Diabetes Education Toolkit


Welcome to our toolkit

It has information to help you better understand your diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Care providers, family members, and other supporters will find it useful too.

Download easy to understand patient education materials written at a 5th grade level.

All materials have been crosswalked with American Diabetes Association care standards.

Claim your power to manage your own diabetes and get the care you need.

Our research found that diabetes outcomes improved significantly after introducing registry-managed care coordination, including personalized patient education, in primary care clinics for patients with co-occurring diabetes & mental illness. Read more here!

Contact Information: Center Staff | Webmaster
Rehabilitation Research & Training Center on Long-Term Mental Illness
Employment Intervention Demonstration Project
Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy
©2012 University of Illinois at Chicago