University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy

National Research and Training Center (NRTC)



Center activities were designed to respond to a set of priorities published in the Federal Register, June 17, 2005, Volume 70, Number 11.

  1. Identify or develop and evaluate models, methods, and measures for improving the quality of mental health outcomes through transformation of the service delivery system in a manner that reflects and embodies consumer choice. These models, methods, and measures may focus on, but are not limited to, self-determination, consumer-centered services, consumer choice, and coordination across service systems. All of these efforts must be culturally competent and appropriate for targeted populations.
  2. Identify or develop and then evaluate strategies for translating evidence-based mental health research findings and best practices into effective interventions, including the development of tools and supports for providers of mental health or other adjunctive services that reflect consumer choice.
  3. Identify or develop and evaluate interventions, such as peer support services, that help to improve workforce capacity, choice, participation, and job longevity for adults with serious mental illness.
  4. Conduct a state-of-the-science conference on its respective area of research in the third year of the grant cycle and publish a comprehensive report on the final outcomes of the conference in the fourth year of the grant cycle. This conference must include materials from experts internal and external to the RRTC.

APA Press Release on Center's WRAP Research!

Online support group study for mothers with a psychiatric disability

Explore our recent research

NEW One-Stop Source for Information on MH Self-Directed Care

Latest Findings on WRAP as Evidence-Based Practice
[Abstract] [PDF] [Full Text]

Financial Ed Curriculum Now Available for Download

Free Cultural Competency Guidebook and Assessment Tool for Peer-Run Programs and Self-Help Groups

New Report on Asset Development for People in Mental Health Recovery

Self-Determination: The Fierce Urgency of Now An Invitational State of the Science Summit

New Webcast: Evidence-Based Practice: What It Is and Why It’s Important to Family Advocates

New Webcast: "Promoting Mental Health Recovery Through Evidence-Based Supported Employment"

Download presentation: "Effectively Managing Your Illness & Finances" [PDF 476K]

See our new Veteran's Employment Toolkit

Webcast on Systems Advocacy

New Curriculum: Financial Education for Persons in Recovery

See our newly updated supported employment web pages

Floyd and Hudson Win Award
WRAP Study Coordinators win Advocacy Award

Bridges Training
Building BRIDGES in Tennessee-
Randomized controlled trial study

WRAP Training
Center launches WRAP randomized controlled trial study in Ohio

Peer Support Outcomes Protocol for evaluating mental health self-help, peer support & consumer-operated programs

The UIC CMHSRP is part of the ongoing Education and Research efforts of the UIC Department of Psychiatry

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