Center on Psychiatric Disability and Co-Occurring Medical Conditions

Training Projects /
Addressing Health Disparities among People with Serious Mental Illnesses through the Medical Education Curriculum

Major policy initiatives over the past two decades, including those of the U.S. Surgeon General, the New Freedom Mental Health Commission, and the Annapolis Coalition on Behavioral Health Workforce have emphasized the need to improve education and clinical training for the physical and behavioral health workforce. These reports also emphasize the need for training and education to address health disparities among people with serious mental illnesses.

Center staff will work within the medical education infrastructure of the UIC College of Medicine to enhance the knowledge and applied skills of physicians in training. The major objective will be to prepare medical students and residents to better meet the needs of people with mental illnesses in primary and specialty care settings, offering applied practicum experiences to enhance trainees’ skill sets.


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Rehabilitation Research & Training Center on Long-Term Mental Illness
Employment Intervention Demonstration Project
Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy
©2012 University of Illinois at Chicago